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About Devora
The topics of Dvora Zelichov’s paintings, in the past and at present, are drawn from moments in her life; moments that passed from her paintbrush to the canvas in an open composition, all elements present at the same time with no starting or finishing points.
The bricks in her paintings are multiple layers, a range of colors, which sometimes greatly clash, but the meeting between them awakens feelings of tension, beat and movement. The tapestries of meanings in some of Dvora’s paintings..
Catalogue of Artworks
The building blocks of her paintings consist of a multiplicity of strata,
a range of colours—often strongly contrasting—whose interaction arouses tension, rhythm, and motion.
The evocative texture of Dvora’s paintings is also formed using scriptural verses, fragments of verses and portions of text, serving as an additional means of expression in that same well organised depiction of powerful experiences.